MED with attractive projects in the field of technology

Prishtina, 02.03.2019 – The Minister of Economic Development, Mr. Valdrin Lluka, in a post published on social networks has disclosed the projects in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) that are undergoing and those that will commence during 2019.

Below you will find Minister Lluka’s full post:
“The 10th Assembly of STIKK – Kosovo ICT Association was held last week, whereby I had the honour and pleasure to address the members, before the key companies in the Information Technology sector in Kosovo, and reiterate the interest of the Ministry of Economic Development to improve the doing business environment in the information technology sector, as an increasing and highly promising sector.
Some of the projects that the ministry has and will start during 2019 are as follows:
1. KODE Project (Kosovo Digital Economy), aimed at improving the broadcasting infrastructure by extending optic cables throughout the entire territory of Kosovo, including villages and schools and family medicine centres in these villages, with a budget of EUR 21 million, that has started in January this year.
2.  The Building Skills projects in this sector, through the IPA funds of the European Commission, with a budget of around EUR 3 million that will start in April this year.

3. TechPark Prishtina, a project that will start in September this year, financed by the Ministry that I govern.
4. Digital Excellence Centre in the German KFOR in Prizren, whereby the Ministry of Economic Development this year will invest EUR 600,000. The purpose of this centre is to establish a platform for innovation and trainings of regional nature.
5.  Creative centres in high-school whereby youngsters will have the chance to discover their skills in the field of programing, art, engineering and computer sciences. The Ministry has financed around 70 schools with creative centres, which contain different equipment. This year, teachers will be trained in the use of such equipment.
6. The Roaming Agreement with Albania, which has been confirmed and signed, and is expected to start on 1st of June, and the Roaming Agreement with all Balkan countries, expected to be signed on 5th of April in Belgrade by all line ministries.
7. Smart Villages – a concept that has started this year – hoping to be tested in Kosovo for the first time in the region. Artana and Mareci will be the first beneficiaries of this innovative project.

This sector will have a dynamic year, as will the sector of energy and mines”.