Lluka praises the increase of income in Kosovo Telecom

Prishtina, 18.09.2018 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka expressed his satisfaction with the increase of income in Kosovo Telecom. He made these comments during the visit made to the company, where he was received by its Chief Executive Officer Gent Begolli and the company’s senior management.

The purpose of Minister Lluka’s visit was to get acquainted first hand with the current situation in the Telecom. “I am here today to congratulate CEO Begolli on the his work to date and to get informed on the new developments, plans and strategy of the new management of Kosovo Telecom,” he said, while expressing his satisfaction with the income trends in the recent months.

MED leader emphasized that he will not allow unmerited staff upgrades in Telecom and added that the Ministry of Economic Development is continuously engaged to improving the performance of publicly-owned enterprises.

For his part, the Kosovo Telecom Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Gent Begolli, informed the minister on the state of the Telecom and on the increased level of income in the company under his management.

As regards the problems faced by the Kosovo Post, Minister Lluka underlined that the resolution of its problems requires the employment of other means for ensuring the self-sustainability of this provision, including by allocating some of the public institutions’ postal services currently commissioned in different private companies to this publicly-owned company.

According to him, this would increase the Post income by 2 million per year. “We are discussing with the Post on the allocation of a number of services currently provided by state institutions to this enterprise, including, for instance, distribution of social schemes. There are around 20 social schemes, two of which are distributed through the postal office, therefore, we much more can be done in this aspect. There are certain legal implications which have to be taken into account, and we are looking for a solution along with the Ministry of Labor,” Minister Lluka concluded.

Minister Lluka’s visit to the Telecom is part of the series of meetings that the minister is organizing with POEs, as part of his engagement for improving the quality of their services to citizens.