Lluka meets EBRD delegation

Prishtina, 05.02.2019 – Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka met today with a senior delegation from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, headed by the Director for Kosovo Walsht Patrick, to discuss on the Kosovo Telecom, mining sector and renewable energy.

The head of MED, Valdrin Lluka, informed the 13 member delegation that the Government of Kosovo appreciates EBRD’s assistance in the privatization of Kosovo Telecom.

“The Government of Kosovo is committed to developing the technology sector, with the aim of ensuring that the country’s economy and citizens benefit from digital connectivity. The Government of Kosovo has tasked the Ministry of Economic Development to head the Kosovo Telecom privatization process. However, prior to the privatization we considered it was necessary to review the structure, operation and practices employed by the company in order to ensure a successful privatization, hence, we wish to express our gratitude to EBRD for its readiness to support the Government of Kosovo with recommendations and a potential pre-privatization loan for the Telecom”, the Minister said.

As regards the mining sector, Lluka said that Kosovo is striving to approximate Kosovo Government strategies with EBRD and sought financial assistance for developing Trepca further.

“The adoption of the Law on Trepca, and reintroduction of special interest zones, alongside the Law on Strategic Investments, witness to the ambitious agenda deployed by K0osovo to attract investments in this sector. We ask EBRD to review its possibilities and provide us financial assistance in further development of our mining giant – Trepca. As regards the EBRD strategy on the mining sector, the Government of Kosovo is striving to develop this sector and promote it for further investments, thus strengthening cooperation between both parties,” Lluka said.

EBRD representatives were also informed on developments and achievements in the renewable energy sector, underscoring the fact that the relevant law is now harmonized with European Union legislation and the estimated 25% renewable energy objective is now attainable.

On the other hand, the delegation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development stated that they will look into the possibility of providing financial assistance for Trepca’s development and that next meetings will be used for further discussions on this topic.

They also expressed greater interest on the other sectors covered by the Ministry of Economic Development and were informed by Minister Lluka on details an developments in this sector and steps to be undertaken in the future.