Lluka: Kosovo aims to become a regional Center of Digital Excellence

Prishtina, 01.11.2018 – The Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka, met today with a delegation of German businesses, headed by Deputy Ambassador Jan-Axel Voss, and Regional Director for Southeast Europe of the Commission for Economic Relations with Southeast Europe, Anja Quiring, to discuss developments in the information technology sector.

In the meeting, Minister Lluka informed the guests on the plans to operationalize the Innovation Park in Prizren, which is already under way, and which aim to make Kosovo a regional Center for Digital Excellence.

“Through the Technological Park in Prizren we aim to become a Center of Digital Excellence. This center’s focus will be innovations, research, development and training for neighboring countries. This project found support and is currently assisted by donors and national institutions, as we managed to ensure 900 thousand euro for the project for 2019 alone,” Lluka said.

The head of MED informed the visiting German delegation on the “Kosovo Digital Economy” project, which was launched and which aims to cover 96% of Kosovo territory with high-speed broadband internet, especially focusing on its rural areas.

“With assistance from the World Bank, amounting to 26 million euro, we’ve launched the ‘Kosovo Digital Economy’ project which aims to cover 96% of Kosovo territory with high-speed broadband internet, focusing on rural areas. Of this fund, 20% will be allocated to the enhancement of Kosovo youth capacities in areas like programming and design, which comprises a good opportunity for self-employment,” Minister Lluka said.

German delegation representatives expressed their interest for investing in professional-vocational schools and training centers in terms of information technology, and committed to introducing new German investments in Kosovo.

Minister Lluka agreed with the German delegation, headed by Anja Quiring, to continue and enhance their cooperation in the ICT sector.