Lluka: France is an important partner in Kosovo’s development

Prishtina, 23.09.2019 – The outgoing Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka, hosted the new French Ambassador Marie-Christine Butel, who was accompanied by the Director of the French Treasury Office, headquartered in Sofia, Florence Dobelle. She was informed of the economic developments in Kosovo, the progress of French projects in Kosovo and the intensification of economic partnership between the two countries.

During the meeting, Minister Lluka confirmed the readiness of the Republic of Kosovo to continue enhancing the economic cooperation between the two countries by increasing the direct investments of French investors in Kosovo and promoting Kosovar products in France.

During the meeting, they also discussed the progress achieved towards the implementation of the project for the construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant for the cities of Prishtina, Fushë Kosova and Obiliq, worth EUR 86 million.

Lluka expressed deep appreciation for France’s contribution to Kosovo and commitment to our country’s economic development.

On the other hand, Director Dobelle thanked Minister Luka for the cooperation done so far and expressed readiness to further increase cooperation in support of Kosovo’s economic development.

Ambassador Marie-Christine Butel also conveyed to Minister Luka the commitment and the role of France to support Kosovo in all processes that assist Kosovo in its economic development.