Lluka: “Digital economy connects Albanians to one-another”

Prishtina, 01.05.2019 – The 7th Edition of ICT Awards, an event where prizes are awarded to innovators and entrepreneurs in the field of technology throughout Albanian regions, was held under the auspices of the ICT Smedia.

This event was attended by the Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka, who was invited to award two Certificates of Acknowledgement.

During his speech, Minister Lluka extended his gratitude to the organizers and stated that ICT Awards are one of the things strengthening and connecting Albanian regions to one-another.

“There are three things connecting Albanian regions to each-other. The first being the late Dritan Haxha with Top Channel, who connected Albanians through the media; the second is the Kosovo-Albania highway, which has significantly facilitated travelling between the two countries, and the third is digital economy, i.e. ICT awards, as we bore witness of the fact that prizes were awarded to all Albanian regions” stated minister Lluka.

Minister Lluka awarded certificates of acknowledgement to the pupils of the Primary Education School “Faik Konica” in Prishtina, and “Mark Nuculloviq” in Ulcin, for advanced affinities in contemporary technology, coding skills and development of suitable skill program for XXI century.

The President of the ICT Award’s jury, Ilir Çapuni, thanked the Minister of Economic Development of Kosovo, Mr. Valdrin Lluka, and Minister of Innovation of Kosovo, Mr. Besim Beqaj for their participation, and added that the presence of the ministers’ best indicates the importance of innovation to economy.

This event was attended by renowned Albanian personalities such as the Mayor of Tirana, Mr. Erion Velija; Minister of State for Protection of Entrepreneurship in Albania, Mr. Eduard Shalsi; the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Ms. Majlinda Bregu, and many other figures from the field of politics and academia.