Lluka: All larger centers will have wastewater treatment plants

Prishtina, 02.11.2017 – Kosovo and Albania, as well as the region in general, face challenges regarding the treatment of wastewaters, the readiness of the sector for sustainable management, lack of technical and human capacities and financial selfsustainability, while considering the affordability of costs by citizens, said Minister of Economic Development Valdrin Lluka.

The Head of MED made these comments during the second day of the common Balkans Conference and Exhibition on “Challenge of filthy water” held in Prishtina on 1-3 November 2017, under the auspices of SHUKOS and SHUKALB, and attended by representatives of the sector from the region and beyond.

Minister Lluka underlined that Kosovo lags behind the region as far as wastewater treatment is concerned, underlining that only 2% of urban wastewaters are currently treated. Fortunately, 4 wastewater treatment plants are currently under construction process – in Prizren, Gjakovë, Pejë, and Prishtina with Fushë Kosovë and Obiliq.

“Once these plants are operational, we expect to be able to treat over 60% of the wastewaters generated. We are especially grateful to the German and Swiss Governments for funding the projects in the Drini i Bardhë pond, we well as to the French Government for Prishtina, although the latter case was supported by a loan,” he said, adding that procedures are under way for plants in Gjilan, Ferizaj and Mitrovica, with the aim being to eventually cover all main centers.

Lluka said that the aim of the Government is to approach the development of this sector through grants, in order to ensure sector sustainability, until our Regional Water Companies are ready to manage the plants, in order not to have the fate of some other failed large investments in the region.

“In addition, in a project co-funded with the Swiss Government, we will initiate the closing phase of the project for rural systems, through which we aim to increase sewer system coverage from the current 70%,” Minister Lluka revealed.

Lluka expressed his conviction that Regional Water Companies will be ready to absorb the investments and underscored that Project Implementation Units will be deployed in them to provide the necessary assistance. Moreover, he added that the institutional framework in the country, in which the Ministry of Economic Development manages water services, whereas the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning manages water resources is highly appraised by all stakeholders.

In conclusion, the Minister assessed that the existence and work of the Inter-Ministerial Council on Waters will continue, and will be supported by the Wastewater Management Council.