Lluka: 700 thousand euros allocated for the geology laboratory at the University of Mitrovica

Prishtina, 17.09.2019 – Acting Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka, participated in signing the Cooperation Agreement between MED, namely the Geological Service of Kosovo and the Faculty of Geosciences of the University of Mitrovica.

The purpose of this Agreement is the mutual utilization of the laboratory equipment of the Geological Service of Kosovo and the Faculty of Geosciences, the organization of various scientific conferences of their scope and the professional advancement of the relevant staff. The total value of the project amounts to around 700,000 Euros, an investment made by MED.

Minister Lluka emphasized that this Cooperation Agreement is fruitful as it enables students to be more motivated as regards studying at the Faculty of Geosciences, as they have the opportunity, in addition to theory, to develop the practical side and become more acquainted with the area.

He mentioned that policies, that would have an impact on encouraging students to pursue further studies at both the Master and Ph.D. level, should be made because we need staff who bring perspective to lesser-known areas for the people.

The Rector of the University of Mitrovica, Alush Musa, who received Minister Lluka, welcomed the Agreement and expressed their readiness for even greater cooperation in this regard, an area which, according to him, needs great focus in the future and brings benefits to society and the country.

Minister Lluka also expressed his willingness to distribute scholarships to students and mentioned that in the future we look forward to having our students share the knowledge that they receive from their studies, with students abroad.