Kosovo takes over the chairmanship of the Energy Community Treaty Secretariat for 2017

Prishtina, 14.10.2016 – In the meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Energy Community, which is being held in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Sarajevo, Kosovo took over the chairmanship for 2017.

The Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci, upon taking over the chairmanship from his Bosnia and Herzegovina counterpart, presented the proposed priorities that Kosovo and the Community will engage on in the following year.

According to him, said priorities are in line with the contractual obligations under the Energy Community Treaty, and based on the conclusions of the Paris Agenda, with focus on the sustainable development chapter; energy efficiency; renewable energy sources and environmental protection.

In addition, next year the Energy Community Treaty will continue with its reform process, with special emphasis on the liberalization and integration in the regional market.

One of the most important achievements for Kosovo in this meeting is the unanimous adoption of annex 8, which proves Serbian interference and barrier-setting for KOSTT operation, and contradicts its contractual obligations towards the Energy Community Treaty.

This is another step that proves that Serbia should withdraw from such interference in KOSTT’s operation and income, and reiterates the fact that KOSTT needs to be acknowledged as soon as possible as an independent regulatory area within ENTSO-E.

Under the auspices of the fourteenth meeting, Georgia was affiliated as a full member with the Energy Community, which proves that the community has become one of the main strategic partners in the energy sector.

In his closing remarks, Minister Stavileci expressed his wishes for a successful year and for the realization of all priorities. He also invited his counterparts to take part in the following meeting, which will be held in Prishtina in the end of next year.