Kosovo-Macedonia economic forum to be held in February 2014

Prishtina, 18 November 2013 – Republic of Kosovo and Republic of Macedonia have excellent politic relations and those relations should also be reflected in the economic sphere, was the conclusion of the third Joint Kosovo-Macedonia Committee on economic cooperation, held today in Skopje under the chairmanship of Kosovo’s Minister of Economic Development, Fadil Ismajli and Macedonia’s Minister of Economy, Valon Saraqini.

Delegations of both countries discussed on matters of common interest, such as energy, agriculture, tourism, railways and water management. Parties agreed to organize a common Kosovo-Macedonia economic forum in February 2014, to provide for participation of companies from both countries, in order to increase cooperation and review possibilities for joint access to third markets.

Minister of Economic Development, Fadil Ismajli, said that cooperation plans include the execution of an agreement between transmission system operators of two countries for the development of a Kosovo-Macedonia interconnection line.

“A second 400 kV interconnection line between Kosovo and Macedonia is in the interest of both parties, and should accompany the development of generation capacities in Kosovo and Macedonia, as it will provide for more intensive energy exchange between both countries. Moreover, it should be viewed as a project that will increase the security of electricity supply not only in the two countries but also in the region, thus closing an important energy ring between Skopje, Manastir, Elbasan, Tirana and Prishtina,” Ismajli said.

According to him, other issues discussed during this meeting were tourism and infrastructure, including the Prishtina – Skopje highway, which is expected to commence next year and to represent a great stimulus for economic cooperation.

Macedonia’s Minister of Economy, Valon Saraqini, said that both countries have a great potential for economic cooperation and that such potentials should be utilized by both countries, while being transferred and expanded to other levels, such as companies and chambers of commerce.

Regarding the connection between Skopje and Bllace, which is the border point with Kosovo, Saraqini said that the Macedonian Government is currently exploring funding possibilities, and that if they are not materialized, the project is envisaged to be included in the 2015 budget.

Otherwise, Ministers Ismajli and Saraqini reemphasized the will of both governments to avoid any situation that would hinder bilateral cooperation, such as those experienced in the past.