Kosovo is host of the 15th Energy Community Ministerial Council meeting

Prishtina, 13.12.2017 – Republic of Kosovo Presidency will host the 15th Energy Community Ministerial Council meeting, to take place tomorrow, December 14, 2017, in Prishtina, which is the most important regional event for the energy sector.

The Council’s meeting will be co-chaired by the Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka, and Mr. Christopher Jones, representative of the European Commission. The meeting will be opened by the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj.

The 15th Ministerial Council of the Energy Community gathers ministers responsible for energy of the nine Contracting Parties to the Energy Community Treaty; Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine and the European Union.

In this session, ECT will focus on the overall development of energy policies, the new energy acquis, the annual report on ECT activities, and 2018-2019 budgets. At the end of the meeting, the Council will draw conclusions. On this occasion, Kosovo will hand over the ECT Presidency to Macedonia.

Energy Community is an international organization that unites the signatory parties of the Community Energy Treaty and the European Commission, in order to assist in energy reform processes, in accordance with acquis, and support the process with a view to establishing a common regional energy market and its integration into the pan-European energy market.