Korean ICT model for the development of Kosovo’s economy

Prishtina, 02.06.2016 – Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci, as part of his official visit in South Korea, held separate meetings with senior officials of the Ministry of Science, ICT and Planning, National Agency for the Promotion of ICT Industry, National Agency of the Information Society, and the National Agency of Cyber Security.

In these meetings, Stavileci observed a readiness to ensure that in addition to inter-institutional cooperation, a concrete agreement is signed in the area of ICT and education, and projects are implemented for IT enterprises and startups in Kosovo.

In this visit, the Economic Minister also received promises for numerous innovative projects, which will be implemented with the participation of the Korean IT public-private sector, allowing for the Korean model to serve Kosovo for the development of this perspective sector for the country’s economy.

Also, in meetings with heads of Korean agencies in cyber security and the industry’s promotion, Stavileci was more closely informed on its operations, and considered that the development of the ICT sector must also take into account its security.

The visit to Korea was realized with the support of the World Bank, one of the strongest supporters of this sector in Kosovo.