Japan will continue its support and contribution to Kosovo


Prishtina, 30.01.2020 – Director of the Department of European Integration, Policy Coordination and Economic Development at the Ministry of Economic Development, Leonita Shabani-Mullarama, met today with Reiko Hara, Second Secretary in the Department for Political and Economic Affairs at the Embassy of Japan in Austria.


Ms Shabani-Mullarama thanked the state of Japan for its contribution in the fields of environment, health and human capacity building.


On the other hand, Ms Hara expressed her gratitude for the hospitality and stressed that the state of Japan will continue its support and contribution in various economic and social fields.


During the meeting, they discussed the economic situation in Kosovo and the possibilities of cooperation between Kosovo and Japan as well as the potential of Kosovo to attract foreign direct investment from Japan. Energy, the information technology sector and manufacturing are seen as fields of high potential for Japanese investors.


It was a joint conclusion that the opening of the Embassy of Japan in Kosovo has created the preconditions for intensifying bilateral economic cooperation.


It was also said that the signing of inter-state agreements in the field of investment protection and taxation is a prerequisite for deepening economic cooperation.