Italian investors are interested in co-financing with Kosovo businesses

Prishtina, 06.08.2016 – The Italian Embassy in Prishtina organized today a conference on the topic “Cooperation opportunities with Kosovo”, where representatives of the Italian Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Italian company “Fines S.p.A.”, presented their experiences and also expressed their interest in cooperation with Kosovo companies.

Attending this forum were the Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci, the Italian Ambassador in Kosovo, Andreas Ferrares, President of Finest S.p.A, Mauro Del Savio, Franco Jacob – President of the Regional Autonomous Council of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Italian investors.

On this occasion, Minister Stavileci thanked the Ambassador for the support of Ferrara to the country and said that Italian investors are welcomed and that the Government will provide the necessary support.

“We know the potential of Italy and Italian businesses, as we now have Italian businesses operating in Kosovo, and those cooperating with businesses of our country, thus we, as a government, will support Italian investments in all stages” he said.

He appreciated the organization of this forum as an opportunity to become acquainted with Italian business practices, which would be a good help for local businesses.

Further, Stavileci told Italian investors that Kosovo is going through a stable, peaceful and suitable period for investments.

From his part, Andreas Ferrara said that Kosovo should create better conditions to attract foreign investors and that Italy is very interested to invest in Kosovo.

President of Finest S.p.A. Mauro Del Savio, presented the activity of his entity and said that it offers economic expertise and advice for the development of companies to promote them in international markets.

He added that Finest S.p.A is ready to cooperate closely with Kosovo businesses, and assist them in enhancing their skills to become competitive in the European market and beyond.

S.p.A Finest was established in 1991 in Italy and is owned by a group of public entities such as Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto region and some private banks. The value of the company is 150 million Euro, and has invested more than 250 million euros from more than 500 agreements approved abroad over the last 20 years.