Ismajli presents Kosovo’s economic orientations in USA

Washington, 30 Sep 2013 – During the visit in United States, the Minister of Economic Development, Fadil Ismajli, and his associates met with State Department officials, American investors and organizations that provide financial assistance and expertise for energy-related projects and human capital development.

The meetings in the US capital were the initial step towards the presentation of the clear MED vision and objectives for a sustainable economic development, with special emphasis on the fields in which Kosovo enjoys comparative advantage, such as lignite-based energy, agriculture, winter tourism, and utilization of its human potential for the provision of various intellectual services, especially IT-related.

The parties used this occasion to specifically discuss on the modalities of implementing large scale energy projects, which are aimed to address issues of security of energy supply in the country, while respecting the criteria of competitive prices in an open market.

The meeting with USAID representatives, headed by Mr. Steven Burns, Director of the Department for Energy and Infrastructure, was focused on existing projects related to energy supply and investments in generation capacities, in order to facilitate the diminishment of import dependency. Further discussions addressed the context of continuous cooperation with USAID, which expressed its unreserved support.

For his part, the head of MED presented projects, initiatives and strategies which will form the basis of economic development and energy sector development in the country. One of the discussion topics with USAID included the Energy Strategy, which now underscores security of supply, while respecting the criteria of competitive prices and open markets.

Further, special emphasis was placed on the topic of energy efficiency, as an important segment of Kosovo policies. Minister Ismajli informed that EE promotion policies will impact on improving and enhancing economic development, energy savings, security of energy supply and environmental protection.

On the other hand, the USAID economic development office presented a feasibility study on macro-economic structural reforms in Kosovo, through which they proved their continuous wish and interest to invest in priority sectors for Kosovo.

Other issues discussed under this framework were the strengthening of the capacities of independent regulators, the objective of a common market with Albania and the complex issue of HPP Zhur.

A meeting of special significance was held with Mr. Cekuto, energy officer in the State Department, in a friendly conversation about the possibilities for the expansion of Kosovo’s cooperation with the United States, and with energy sphere investors. In this meeting, the MED delegation was accompanied by the Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo in Washington, Mr. Akan Ismajli, whom underlined the significance of economic cooperation in the sphere of energy and mining. The State Department expressed its continuous support to the Republic of Kosovo.

Other important meetings included the visit to Hunton & Williams and the reception by its President, Mr. Steven Kubeck and his associates; visit to the World Bank and meetings with energy sphere specialists, Mr. Ranjit Lamech and Mr. Jas Singh, who shared their ideas and elaborated on the possibilities of reciprocal cooperation in the sphere of energy and renewable sources.

Both parties expressed their admiration and shared their common conviction that this direct meeting represents merely the initiation of cooperation, while expressing, at the same time, their readiness to continue to coordinate and deepen this cooperation.

Part of the agenda in the US capital was also the meeting with representatives of the International Financial Corporation, Mr. Tomasz Telma and Mr. Gjergj Konda.