Inclusion of women in the labour market requires courageous ideas

Prishtinë, 23.03.2017 – The idea and initiative for the WOW Project “Women in Online Work’, was inspired by the new world trends, by being convinced that this type of Project provides for unlimited opportunities of employment for women and as such it was qualified as courageous idea, which is proving to be successful, said the Deputy Minister of Economic Development Besa Zogaj – Gashi at the conference “Standards in the Labour Market” :The rights of employees in direct foreign investments organised during the Women’s’ Week 2017.

While speaking about the WOW project devised by the Ministry of Economic Development Besa Zogaj – Gashi said that now following a training in the field of ICT, the women involved in the project found at least one job in internet.

“When we launched the project in the first stage in two municipalities for admission of 100 women, we had over one thousand applications of interested women, and this was an indicator that our country needs such a project. The teams of MED and the World Bank got engaged in this project which will be extended to other stages and will include more women from all municipalities, which we are currently doing”, said Deputy Minister Zogaj-Gashi.

Zogaj – Gashi further said that the trained girls have already won over 271 employment contracts, by adding that there are some woman that managed to benefit over 20 online employment contracts.
Whereas, Arban Abrashi, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare said that conclusions of discussions that will occur this week, will help institutions in making better policies for women and gender mainstreaming.

”Based on analyses that we have conducted it is notable that there are obstacles, however, I think that discussions such as the one today, will contribute in improvement of situation”, said Minister Abrashi.

Patric Etienne Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office said that Kosovo young Population is an asset for the youngest country in the world, therefore women gave and continue to give a huge contribution in the field of politics, economy, leadership, art and lately in the field of Information technology.

Otherwise the Women’s Week was initiated by NDI as a pilot project in 2012 with the support of USAID. This is a national event that collects 100 women representatives from different ethnicities, political parties, civil society, businesses, media and academia. This year, apart from the fact that it will join women leaders of the future, the Women’s Week will, for the first time, bring men leaders from all fields of the society to participate in the program.

In this program, participants will do networking and will have the possibility to build their leadership and public speaking and policymaking skills.