Great Britain reconfirms its support for Kosovo’s economic development

Prishtina, 02.10.2017 – Great Britain will continue to support the economic development process in Kosovo, reconfirmed the United Kingdom Ambassador in Kosovo, Ruairi O’Connel, in the meeting he had today with the Minister of Economic Development, Valdrin Lluka.

Minister Lluka used the occasion to express his appreciation for Ambassador O’Connel for the continuous support that Great Britain gave Kosovo, and his hope that said support and cooperation will be further strengthened in the future.

In addition, Minister Lluka informed the British diplomat on MED’s priorities, with special emphasis on the strategic sectors covered by MED, including energy, mines, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures which have an influece on electricity supply, and environmental protection.

Minister Lluka and Ambassador O’Connel agreed on continuing to foster good relations between the two countries.