GPC discussed on the draft Collective Agreement for PTK employees

Prishtina, 12.03.2013 – PTK Government Privatization Committee met today to discuss on the request of the PTK Independent Trade Union on the draft Collective Agreement with PTK employees.

In the meeting GPC carefully addressed this draft document, and after receiving the legal opinions from the advisors hired in the PTK privatization process, was also informed by the legal office of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare on the proposed draft contract of the PTK Independent Trade Union.

It was concluded that the opinion provided by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare has not taken into account all approved documents in the privatization process; therefore, the Legal Office of MLSW was requested to provide additional information to assess the legal basis of the proposed draft agreement.

From the beginning of its work and throughout the development of the PTK tender package, GPC has continuously taken into account the legitimate needs and reasonable requests of PTK employees. Therefore, GPC again gives assurances that the guarantees of employees are incorporated in the approved documents and all PTK employees have guaranteed employment for three years after privatization.

GPC guarantees all citizens that this process is following highest professional and transparency standards, and is convinced that this process will be completed successfully and to the benefit of the company, employees, and the state of Kosovo.