Government seeks more responsibility from heads of Public Enterprises

Prishtina 01/11/2016 – In order to discuss the current situation and challenges which central public enterprises are faced with, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, accompanied by Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci, held a meeting with the Chairmen of the Boards of Directors and Chief Executive Officers of 16 Central Public Enterprises.

On behalf of Shareholder, Prime Minister Mustafa and Minister Stavileci asked for more responsibility from the directors of Public Enterprises in order to improve their performance and overcome issues.

Prime Minister Mustafa stressed that the purpose of today’s meeting is to discuss the issues that public companies are facing in their business, as the government has had many requests for funding, either in capital investment or in subsidies, however, there is evidence that speaks of a number of companies which have now started to work at a loss.

“This is very worrying and it puts us in a situation in which we need to redefine our policies on public companies. We should also evaluate the performance of boards and managements of public companies, because we cannot afford to have a public company, which then become a burden on the budget,” said Mustafa.

The Head of Government stated that it is highly questionable that we have public companies which operate at a loss, while salaries at these companies are two or three times higher than those of civil servants working in the Government or Parliament, and that the government is required to cover their costs or losses.

For his part, Minister Blerand Stavileci underlined the fact that there are numerous requests for subsidies and other financial requirements from PEs, but added that the problems should be divided into; problems with court decisions; political problems (Mitrovica and Iber Lepenci), economic problems; Infrakos and Trainkos.

He said that despite the fact the Government had no direct responsibility, he tried to address some of the issues, and said that there are public companies which need to undergo a change in their governing mentality, as not all problems are a result of external factors.

“That is why we need to sit down and look at what the opportunities for improvement are, the issue of salaries and that of restructuring will remain subject to the new law on public enterprises, the concept of which is being prepared and will be included next year in the legislative table,” said Stavileci.

The first of the MED said they have a very good relationship with donors, but companies must not lose the support they have had and continue to have from donors. Subsequently, representatives of PEs presented challenges faced, and the Government, acting on behalf of Shareholder promised more commitment in addressing the issues.