Energy, Mines and ICT are the potential sectors for Austrian investments

Prishtinë, 22.03.2017 – Energy Efficiency measures serves as the main and the most important pillar in the energy sector and in attraction of investments, but also in creating jobs. We initiated two projects for implementation of energy efficiency measures at the central and municipal levels, said Minister of Economic Development Blerand Stavileci, at the opening of the Kosovo-Austrian Economic Forum with a topic ‘Utility services and Energy Efficiency” that kicked off today in Prishtinë.

In this occasion Minister Stavileci said that when it comes to the local level, implementation of energy efficiency measures already started in four municipalities; Prishtina, Ferizaj, Gjilan and Gjakova and the project will continue in other municipalities, by adding that we can work together with Austrian investors in this field.

The head of MED said that Kosova has, for the first time, created the Energy Efficiency Fund, which will open the path to the so called Eco-fund.

Minister Stavileci continued to say that energy, mines and ICT are three fields where there is space for joint investments between Kosovo and partners and that some Austrian companies are already present with their investments in these fields.

According to him, some fields that can be more attractive for Austrian companies are generation of new capacities, rehabilitation of existing companies, investments in the Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency Measures, where we have the biggest energy project, ‘Kosova e Re’ Power Plant.

“One field where we can most easily find common grounds for investments with companies and different organisations in Kosovo is the ICT. We have several foreign companies operating in Kosovo, some of which in the field of exports and knowing that this sector is very developed in Austria, through cooperation between those specialised companies in Austria and those in Kosovo, we can open a new ways of doing business”, said minister Stavileci.

He also said that the law on Strategic Investments, opens the way for investors including those from Austria in this case.

Whereas the Minister of Trade and Industry Hykmete Bajrami said that Kosovo and Austria have signed bilateral agreements in many fields, which will assist in developing economic relationships of both countries. In the recent years Austria has made an investment of 225 million Euros, and is an important stakeholder in economic development of Kosovo” said Minister Bajrami.

Whereas, Peter Hasslacher, Austrian Economic Commissioner to Kosovo said that Kosovo and Austria have increased their trade exchanges by adding that Austria is one of top five investors in Kosovo.

On his part, Safet Gerxhaliu, the President of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce said that Kosovo supports foreign businesses including those from Austria and added that considering the amount of Austrian investments in the countries of the region, there is space for investment in Kosovo too.

Franz Wessig from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, said that during its nine years of being a state, Kosovo has signed important economic cooperation agreements. “One of the most important developments that I would like to emphasise is the entry into force of the Trade Agreement with the EU. The Berlin process is also important for economic development of the region”, he said.