Energy and mining – unique investment possibilities

Prishtina, 07.03.2017 – Kosovo ranks fifth in Europe in terms of lignite reserve possession. These reserves represent on the most significant energy generation factors, said the Deputy-Minister of Economic Development Besa Zogaj Gashi, in the opening of the Kosovo – Greece Economic Forum held on the subject “Economic Cooperation – Challenges and Perspectives”, adding that the Government of Kosovo is developing large scale projects related to new lignite exploitation fields, which offer a unique opportunity for companies interested to invest in energy and mining sectors.

She added that a country’s important asset, namely Trepça mines, is considered to be one of the most renowned poly-metallic sources in Europe in terms of size, but also one of the most attractive ones in terms of mineral diversity and beauty of crystals exploited therein.

“The Government is convinced that “Trepça” will represent one of Kosovo’s greatest investment attractions in a near future. Kosovo has 11 Zones of Interest, including zones rich in mining resources. Potential Investments in these zones can now be conducted easily by credible investors, based on the Law on Strategic Investments, which facilitates large companies’ investments in Kosovo” said Deputy Minister Zogaj-Gashi.

Further, Zogaj-Gashi said that Kosovo reached a 4% economic development, while countries of the region did not manage to exceed 2.9%, attributing this growth to the private sector, adding that the unemployment scale diminished from 35% in 2015 to 26% in 2016.

Speaking of capital projects, she mentioned Kosova e Re Thermal Power Plant, which is currently in its final stage, in expectation of the execution of commercial agreements which will precede the tendering phase, while the investor originates from the United States of America.

She also informed those present that in the World Business Angels Forum Kosovo was awarded the “Best Government in Southeastern Europe supporting entrepreneurship” prize.

On the other hand, the Head of the Greek Liaison Office in Prishtina, Konstantina Athanassiadou, considered 2016 to be a brilliant year for the economic cooperation between Greece and Kosovo. “Last year was brilliant, because the Greek Secretary General for trade and economic relations visited Kosovo and we plan to have numerous forums in the future to elaborate on all points of interest for our development as two countries,” she said.

Valon Murtezaj, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, expressed his conviction that working together in common ideas of cooperation will result in better general relations between two countries. “Kosovo has signed a very important agreement (SAA) with the EU, which should be used as the cornerstone for the advancement of our relations with European countries, including Greece,” Murtezaj said.

George Ttspiras, Greek Secretary General for economic trade relations said that the meeting of entrepreneurs at this level will represent merely the initial step for economic exchange between Greece and Kosovo, adding that globalization has provided the prerequisites for implementing business transactions in the region.

For his part, the head of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, Safet Gërxhaliu, said that common economic forums aim to serve economic and trade advancement, and to overcome challenges through the creation of common perspectives.