Deputy Minister Blerim Rexha received promises from the German Government for assistance in the energy sector

Prishtina – May 7, 2009 – Deputy Minister of Energy and Mining, Dr. Techn. Blerim Rexha, met with a German delegation, chaired by Friederike Karcher, Officer for Kosovo in the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation, who was on a several-day visit to Kosovo.

The aim of the meeting was to present the German Government projects aimed to support the energy sector in Kosovo, within the interstate cooperation for this year. Other priority projects for 2010 were also addressed in the meeting. On this occasion, Deputy Minister Rexha informed the German party on the rapid progress of Kosovo in complementing the legal infrastructure, which aims at attracting considerable private investment in the energy sector in Kosovo.
“We are grateful to the German Government for the significant support in investments and technical assistance to Kosovo for ten years “, said Rexha. 

Friederike Karcher, Officer for Kosovo, in the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation, informed Deputy Minister Rexha that the German Government has placed the energy sector of Kosovo as a top priority for support “

German Government, this year, will initially fund project studies in district heating for several cities and in the increase of energy efficiency” said Karcher. 

Both parties have agreed to work jointly in developing specific project proposals, which would also include energy efficiency and renewable resources.

The parties concluded, however, that joint development of projects involving energy efficiency with the German Government will enable Kosovo meet important obligations vis-à-vis the Energy Community Treaty, to which Kosovo is a signatory party. In this meeting, Karcher was accompanied by representatives of KfW, GTZ, and the German Deputy Ambassador in Kosovo.