Clarification as to the case of the lion being held in Gjilan


Prishtina, 09.11.2020 – Following numerous reports and reactions to the holding of a lion in unfavourable conditions in Gjilan, please find below the clarification of the Minister of Economy and Environment, Blerim Kuçi, on this issue.


Clarification as to the case of the lion being held in Gjilan:


Yesterday I have received a large number of messages from all over the world, activists for protection of animal rights, including the local activists.


8 November marks one year of this lion being held in unfavourable conditions in a restaurant in Gjilan. The civil society is rightly concerned.


I hereby want to inform you that I have been in principle informed of this and my Cabinet is considering further steps, maintaining contacts even with the members of civil society. Ministry of Economy and Environment has already established the Working Group to identify solutions for this problem. This Working Group involves members of civil society as well.


This case is being handled even by the Gjilan Basic Prosecution. Prosecution Office, specifically Case Prosecutor, has received a letter on 1 September 2020, whereby proposing steps to be undertaken for the case in question; however, no official response has been received yet.


During this week we will have a meeting with the Working Group and we will keep you informed of every step to be undertaken.


Our structural capacities allow us no favourable space to keep this lion. However, we remain committed to find the best solution for this lion.