BERZH reconfirms support for Kosovo

Prishtina 13 April 2016 – Deputy Minister of Economic Development Besa Zogaj-Gashi met with the EBRD Director for the Western Balkans Mr. Holger Muent, accompanied by the working team, who are staying in Kosovo to draft the “Kosovo Strategy – EBRD”, which will serve the function of continuing and deepening the support of EBRD, for financing the economy and local businesses of Kosovo.

Deputy Minister Zogaj-Gashi thanked the participants for the assistance that EBRD is providing to Kosovo particularly in the promotion and support of sustainable development in the energy sector and energy efficiency.

Zogaj-Gashi then informed the head of the EBRD Mr. Muent on the projects and priorities of the MED, respectively the project “Kosova e Re”.

“By now we have a concept document, which was approved by the National Council for Economic Development, which includes the establishment of One Stop Shop, projects in the field of Information Technology, reform initiatives that aim to improve corporate governance. All these priorities and measures are part of the approved National Economic Development Strategy 2016-2021 and the Economic Reform Program,” said Gashi.

For his part, Mr. Muent reconfirmed EBRD’s support for Kosovo, adding that the EBRD is committed to overcoming the challenges in the energy sector. He said that the EBRD will cooperate with the authorities in Kosovo to involve the private sector in the energy sector and to support investments needed to increase security of energy supply, develop Renewable Sources of Energy and improve energy efficiency.

EBRD’s strategy for the next four years for Kosovo is supposed to be approved early November of this year.