Beqaj: Kosovo contributes to regional economic development and cooperation

Prishtina, 10.04.2013 – During his participation in the XVI Euro-Asia Economic Summit held in Istanbul, the Minister of Economic Development, Besim Beqaj, held a speech in which he spoke on innovation and talent-based competition strengthening, with the aim of stimulating sustainable economic growth in national and global context.

Minister Beqaj said that the Republic of Kosovo played an important role in stimulating economic growth at the regional level, regardless of the fact that EU member states and other countries faced severe financial instability and other economic problems.

He underlined that countries have to ensure the most rational use of available natural resources, as the right to their utilization should also be enjoyed by the generations to come.

Minister Beqaj presented the developmental projects in the country’s strategic economic sectors, underlining that structural economic reforms, conducted through transformation of public property to private property, will contribute to best utilization of the country’s potentials, in order for the citizens of Republic of Kosovo to benefit from an improved standard of living.

Beqaj added that qualitative youth education and matching of knowledge gained through such education with labour market requirements, directly influences on the improvement of the country’s economic situation. Among other, he emphasized that continuous increase of the number of statehood recognitions, membership in key international financial mechanisms, economic growth in the recent years regardless of the numerous politic, economic and social challenges faced, confirm that Republic of Kosovo stands ready to contribute to the global economy.

He said that through its vision for economic development, the Government of Republic of Kosovo has determined the empowerment of the country’s private sector as one of its utmost priorities, in order for this sector to contribute to economic growth and creation of new employment possibilities.

Participants in the XVI Euro-Asia Economic Summit in Istanbul was attended by Presidents, representatives of Governments, Parliaments and various governmental and non-governmental organizations.