Beqaj: Kosovo – model of financial stability

Prishtina, 19.11.2012 – Republic of Kosovo has shown its commitment to maintain financial stability, and was commended by international financial organizations, which stated that Kosovo can be considered a model for countries of the region, and beyond, said the Minister of Economic Development, Besim Beqaj.

Beqaj made these comments in his remarks given in the 9th Vienna Economic Forum, discussing on the importance of regional cooperation, with the aim of accelerating EU membership. He also highlighted that the will and political commitment of the Government, has had an impact in eliminating the skepticism of several countries on the progress of Kosovo, after the declaration of independence.

“Kosovo is now a full member with equal rights and obligations in WB, IMF, and now, after the expected membership in EBRD, new opportunities will be created for the strengthening of the public sector, by increasing the credit potential for various projects, which have an impact in the country’s economic development”, he added.

Minister Beqaj said that regional cooperation in the past hasn’t produced the expected result; therefore, other regional initiatives, such as CEFTA, Energy Community Treaty, and many others, must be implemented in practice.

He said that Kosovo is playing an important role in attracting investments in the region, and this was proven through the implementation of structural reforms in economy and larger projects in the country. This continuous increase of investments in the country is a clear confirmation that regional and international investors have faith in Government policies.

Minister Beqaj emphasized that countries in the region, with the support of international partners, must be focused in addressing challenges and problems the region is facing, such organized crime activities, which have damaged the image of the region.

He said that the Government of the Republic of Kosovo is committed to create the basic preconditions for businesses operating in the country, in order to create an environment conducive for businesses, and to achieve a successful cooperation with the countries in the region.

“In this aspect, road infrastructure connecting Kosovo with Albania, and mid-term plans to develop road infrastructure towards Macedonia and Serbia, are strong indications that Kosovo wishes to be a constructive partner in the region”, said Beqaj.

Economic Development Minister stated that EU is giving Kosovo a clear perspective, initiating important processes related with Kosovo’s membership in the EU.

Minister Beqaj said that visa liberalization process should progress faster, so that Kosovo citizens enjoy the right of freedom of movement, similarly to regional countries.

Finally, the Minister added that there is a general need for more policy regionalization, more intensive economic cooperation, and less policies.

This Forum was attended by ministers of the regional countries, federal ministers of economy and finance in Austria, Ambassadors of various countries, representatives of organizations, etc.