Beqaj: Decommissioning of TPP Kosova A will occur along with the development of the new Power Plant

Prishtina, 13 February 2013 – Kosovo needs energy, but above all it needs a healthy environment. For this reason, the Government has set end-2017 as the deadline for decommissioning TPP Kosova A, and undertakes to comply with this deadline in its relations with the EU, said the Minister of Economic Development, Besim Beqaj.

Minister Beqaj made these comments during the visit he made to the exhibition ‘Life without Kosova A’, opened in the Cultural Centre in Fushë Kosovë, which was also attended by Joost Koorte, Deputy Director of EC Enlargement, Jan Peter Olters, Director of the World Bank Office in Kosovo, officials of the EC Office in Prishtina and representatives of the municipality of Fushë Kosovë.

He said that the Government, in cooperation with the EU, established a number of working groups the operational plan of which includes technical and legal preparations for the decommissioning of TPP Kosova A.

“Sooner we develop new capacities, sooner we will be able to decommission TPP ‘Kosova A’. Obligations that we have undertaken towards the EC are not for the latter’s sake, but are aimed at improving lives of the country’s citizens. Hence, the sooner we develop new capacities, with support from EC and WB, the sooner we will be able to decommission TPP Kosova A,” Beqaj said.

According to him, all discussions carried out currently with civil society representatives, who in a certain form oppose the development of new capacities, represent a contribution to the longevity of TPP Kosovo A.

The Head of MED said that the country’s need to decommission TPP ‘Kosova A’ is equivalent to its need for new generation capacities and increased utilization of renewable energy. To this end, last year the Government granted licenses for the development of 24MW in hydro power capacities in Decan municipality, whereas on 28 December pre-licensed an additional 100 MW in renewable energy capacities (hydro).

“We’re striving to have less lignite-power energy, and greater utilization of renewable energy sources, but at prices that are affordable for our citizens,” said Beqaj, while adding that it is the responsibility of the Government to ensure stable energy supply, at affordable prices for citizens, which is best suited to EU’s environmental standards, which continues to represent our common goal.

At this event, Beqaj said that the Government is working with EC and WB on the organization of a donors’ conference on sustainable energy, which will also be used to discuss on decommissioning of TPP Kosova A and renewable sources (hydro, solar, wind).

For his part, Joost Koorte, Deputy Director of EC Enlargement, said that before coming to the exhibition he visited TPP Kosova A, where he was able to witness the good work in replacing electrostatic filters, which is beneficial for both KEK staff and Kosovo citizens.

“It is clear that the that the lifespan is shorter than in the region, because of the dust, and this is a reason that we have to address, and I am glad that the Minister, Besim Beqaj, is quite involved in this aspect, namely in overseeing the placement of the filters and the development of new generation capacities, which will, in turn, make possible the decommissioning of “Kosova A”.

He said that as a European Commission representative he is content with the fact that he will be able to assist the Minister in accomplishing positive results. This is a joint undertaking of Kosovo, EC, WB and probably EBRD will join soon, therefore there is hope that the projects of decommissioning TPP Kosova A and constructing TPP Kosova e Re will soon get under way.

Otherwise, before the visits made to TPP Kosova A and the ‘Life without Kosova A’ exhibition, Minister Beqaj and his associates conducted a meeting with Joost Koorte, Deputy Director of EC Enlargement, Ruud van Enk, Deputy-Chief of the Unit for Kosovo Issues, Cindy van den Booger, policy officer of this Unit, representatives of the EC Office in Prishtian, and Jan Peter Olters, Director of the World Bank Office in Kosovo.