Beqaj: Completion of the legislation framework is the main achievement in 2011

Prishtina, 27 December 2011 – Completion of the legal framework on economy, the positive opinion of the Energy Community Treaty on the KOSTT complaint, and a 96  percent realization of MED budgetary projections, are considered as the major successes of the Ministry for 2011 by Minister Beqaj.

In the closing conference of the year, Minister Beqaj listed the MED achievements, the status of projects under implementation, and priorities for 2012.

Speaking of successes, he said that MED has completed its legislative agenda for 2011, because of the adoption of the Law on Energy Efficiency, Law on the Privatization Agency of Kosovo, Law on the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court, Law on the Reorganization of Enterprises and their Assets, and the Draft-Law on Information Society Services was approved in the Government, and the Draft-Law on Electronic Communication, and the Amendment of the Law on Publicly Owned Enterprises are expected to be adopted.

Other relevant bylaws have also been adopted, including the Mining Strategy 2012-2025, Heating Strategy 2011 – 2018, Museum of Crystals, Mining Fees, Geological Surveys, Energy Balances, etc.

On the PTK, KEDS, and TPP Kosova e Re Projects, Beqaj said that with some exceptions, they are going in line with the plan, and added that the objective of the Government was to ensure a better management of public assets.

The “Government Privatization Committee” (GPC) has issued a decision to restart the process from the beginning. With the aim of increasing the value of shares – GPC decided to undertake certain reforms (reduce operational costs, etc.). Separation of Post unit was initiated in November, and the Expression of Interest was also published for the selection of a Transaction Advisor – which will be completed in January 2012”, said Beqaj.

Head of MED praised the work on the KEDS privatization, and said that it continued with an extraordinary pace, that the Invitation to Bid was issued, and that it is expected that the Distribution winner is declared in March.

“Kosova e Re Power Plant” project encountered some delays with the World Bank, and after the harmonization with this institution, MED in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, decided to select the Transaction Advisor under a competitive procedure, in which case around 6 million Euros were saved”, and added that the Government’s focus is to implement this project fully in line with the EU and WB.

The minister further noted that MED proceeded with the Monitoring process of 15 POEs and exercising its advisory role in relation to the Law on Publicly Owned Enterprises, Code of Ethics, and Corporate Governance.

Beqaj also mentioned the participation and organization of high level meetings, including business forums, meetings under the Energy Community and EBRD, and bilateral meetings with counterparts and leaders of various countries.

The Minister listed the following priorities for 2012; further implementation of projects (PTK, KEDS, TPP “Kosova e Re”), Organization of activities with the aim of promoting investments in Energy, Mining, Telecommunication, and IT, Strengthening and enhancing cooperation with the business community, with the aim of developing policies, strategies, which will positively affect competitiveness in the private sector.