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    Ministry of Economy


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    Minister Artane Rizvanolli met with the British Deputy Ambassador, Jacob Webber

    Prishtina, 01.04.2021 - The Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, hosted in a meeting the British Deputy Ambassador to Kosovo, Jacob Webber, the Director of the Department for International Trade in the Western Balkans, Nikola Stojanoski and the Head of Programs at the British Embassy in Kosovo, Mimoza Gojani.

    By |2021-04-15T11:47:35+00:00April 15, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

    “Trepça” J.S.C. will repay the debt to KEDS and KESCO in accordance with its budget capabilities

    Prishtina, 15.01.2021- The acting Minister of Economy and Environment, Muharrem Nitaj, together with the Deputy Ministers of MEE, Rexhep Kadriu and Ergin Bunjaku, received in a meeting the representatives of KEDS and KESCO, where the topic of discussion was the debt of "Trepça" J.S.C. to these companies.

    By |2021-01-15T13:01:53+00:00January 15, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

    Muharrem Nitaj is appointed as Acting Minister in the MEE

    After the Minister of Economy and Environment (MEE), Blerim Kuçi, has been released from his duty, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti, has, today, appointed Muharrem Nitaj as Acting Minister.

    By |2021-01-13T13:38:02+00:00January 13, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

    Minister Kuçi meets the actors of the sector after the energy independence; they discuss about the new generation capacities

    Prishtina, 06.01.2021 - The Minister of Economy and Environment, Blerim Kuçi held the first meeting for 2021 with the actors of the energy sector: Kosovo Energy Corporation, Energy Regulatory Office, Kosovo Electricity Transmission System Operator, KEDS and KESCO.

    By |2021-01-06T14:38:20+00:00January 6, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

    The Innovation and Training Park in Prizren is subsidized with 2 million euros by MEE

    Prishtina, 18.12.2020 - Today, in the Ministry of Economy and Environment, was signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Innovation and Training Park in Prizren (ITP).

    By |2020-12-18T13:52:50+00:00December 18, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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