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    Ministry of Economy


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    Minister Rizvanolli receives the delegation from the Government of Albania

    The Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, together with the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Hajrullah Çeku, received today the Albanian delegation led by Prime Minister Edi Rama.

    By |2021-09-27T15:33:56+00:00September 27, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

    Deputy Minister Arifaj participates in the CESEC meeting in Slovenia

    The Deputy Minister of Economy (ME), Mentor Arifaj and the Head of Energy Department at ME, Luan Morina, have represented the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Kosovo at the meeting of the Central and South Eastern Europe energy connectivity (CESEC) in Ljubljana , organized by the European Commission.

    By |2021-09-27T12:12:38+00:00September 27, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

    Polish Minister for Climate and Energy, Michal Kurtyka, offers support to Minister Rizvanolli

    During the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy and Climate Cooperation forum, the Minister of Economy (MoE), Artane Rizvanolli, met with the Polish Minister for Climate and Environment, Michal Kurtyka.

    By |2021-09-25T16:13:28+00:00September 25, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

    US Secretary of Energy expresses support to Minister Rizvanolli

    The Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, attended the Forum on Partnership for Transatlantic Energy and Climate Cooperation, organized by the United States Department of Energy, in cooperation with the Ministry of Climate and Environment of Poland and the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center.

    By |2021-09-24T15:53:44+00:00September 24, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

    Kosovo invited to Transatlantic Climate and Energy Partnership Forum for the first time

    The Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli has represented the Republic of Kosovo for the first time in the Transatlantic Partnership Forum for Climate and Energy (P-TECC).

    By |2021-09-23T13:45:53+00:00September 23, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

    The Ministry of Economy holds intensive workshops with MCC for compact program design

    Prishtina, 20.09.2021 - The Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli in recent months has held several high-level meetings with representatives of the MCC (Millennium Challenge Corporation), including Alexia Latortue, Deputy Executive Director of MCC, Caroline T. Nguyen, Managing Director for Europe and Sarah Olmstead, MCC Director for Kosovo, where they discussed the compact program design and the support this program can provide to our energy sector.

    By |2021-09-20T14:13:29+00:00September 20, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

    The Deputy Minister of ME, Mentor Arifaj hosted in a meeting the Hungarian delegation for economy and trade

    The Deputy Minister of Economy (ME), Mentor Arifaj, hosted in a meeting the Economic and Commercial Attaché with the Embassy of Hungary in Kosovo, Krisztina Szabó, the Director of Budapest Water Supply in Hungary, Tamas Bencze, the International Water Supply Advisor in Budapest, Viola Saliasi and Mirdita Bicaj, from the Economic Sector, the Embassy of Hungary in Kosovo.

    By |2021-09-16T12:21:08+00:00September 16, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

    Minister Rizvanolli receives in a meeting the Executive Director of AWESK, Arijeta Pajaziti

    Prishtina, 09.09.2021 - The Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli received in a meeting the Executive Director of the Association of Women in the Energy Sector of Kosovo (AWESK), Arijeta Pajaziti.

    By |2021-09-09T14:04:38+00:00September 9, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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