American Businesses Delegation visits Minister Lluka

Prishtina, 11.03.2019 – Minister of Economic Development, Mr. Valdrin Lluka, hosted today the business delegation from the United States of America, chaired by the Kosovo Consulate in the US, Teuta Sahatqija, with whom he discussed about the information and communication technology (ICT) sector, the energy sector and the climate of doing business in Kosovo.

The delegation chaired by Ms. Sahatqija, Ani Zeldan, Chief Executive Officer of Quantum Media Group, founder of Partners in Digital Health, Tory Cenaj, the lawyer Nelson Happy and journalist from The Washington Diplomat, Larry Luxner, were interested about the climate of doing business in Kosovo and the projects in the ICT and energy sectors.

Minister Lluka informed them that Kosovo has a very favourable fiscal system for businesses, that it is a connecting centre in Europe and that the World Bank has rated it as the second country in the region for doing business.

“Kosovo has a very favourable fiscal system for businesses. It is the country with the lowest public debt to GDP, a connecting bridge with European countries and has access to three seaports, namely Thessaloniki, Durres and Montenegro. In the Doing Business Report, Kosovo is ranked as 40th in the world and the second in the region”, stated Minister Lluka.

The ICT sector is the only sector in Kosovo that has a positive trade balance and is a sector that has enabled the country’s youth to work for European Union countries and beyond. Furthermore, it is a sector with different projects and that generates jobs.

“The information technology sector is a sector that has a positive trade balance and is a sector in which domestic companies outsource services to companies in Europe, the US and beyond and is a sector in which there is no brain drain. Kosovo Digital Economy project (KODE), whereby, with the assistance of the World Bank will be invested € 25 million for the extension of the internet network infrastructure in 96% of the territory of Kosovo with particular focus in rural areas”, stated Minister Lluka.

The Head of MED informed the USA Business Delegation about “Tech Park Prishtina” and “Training and Innovation Park” in Prizren where it is foreseen to establish centres for training and centres of digital excellence in which businesses and young people of the country will be trained.

The representatives of the delegation were also interested about the energy sector, developments and projects that are underway.

Minister Lluka stated that Kosovo aims to improve the state of electricity supply, and this is evidenced by the signing of the Agreement with the company “Contour Global” for the construction of the power plant “Kosova e Re”, and that Kosovo is interest of ways to generate electricity from waste.

In the end, the USA Businesses representatives expressed their gratitude to Minister Lluka for the information provided and stated that they would stay in touch in order to get more information about the sectors covered by the Ministry of Economic Development and discuss about future investment areas.