A two-day seminar on Cyber Security was held in Kosovo

21.11.2019 –
Ministry of Economic
Development (MED), in cooperation with World Bank’s Global Cybersecurity
Capacity Building Program II, Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA),
Global Cybersecurity Center for Development (GCCD), have organized a two-day
seminar on Cyber Security under the topic “National Cyber Security Policies and
Frameworks”. The seminar was financed by the Korea-World Bank Group Partnership
Facility (KWPF), that is administered by the World Bank for Korea’s
Ministry of Economy and Finance”.

This seminary was part of the process of reassessing Cyber security Maturity
Model (CMM) that took place on 16-18 of July 2019.

KISA experts have rather thoroughly elaborated the different aspects of
incidents in the cyber security area, starting from preventive measures,
analysis, assessment, actions to be taken up to the level of international
communication and cooperation on cyber security related issues.

The approach to cyber security was addressed in several dimensions: policies
and strategies, cyber society and culture, education and training, legal and
regulatory framework and technologies and standards.

The presentations in general were highly informational and useful for our local
stakeholders, who were given the opportunity to hear from experts of vast
experiences in this field about threats and attacks faced by Korea, and their
current approach toward the increased potential of cyber-attacks. The
well-developed “critical” infrastructure of the Republic of Korea, and the
rapid development of ICT in this country, makes them a good example to learn

Moreover, during the seminar, the representatives of the MED presented our
country’s state of play in terms of cyber security from the legal, regulatory
and practical point of view, whereby it was stressed that that Kosovo must
consider with great seriousness the issue of cyber security by learning from
the best global practices of preparing a firm legal framework and by applying regulatory
measures that fit Kosovo’s context.

The Ministry of Economic Development considers that bringing new practices and
experiences to Kosovo is of particular importance in terms of building
capacities and strengthening cyber security. Therefore, we believe that events
such as this seminar will open new opportunities for improvement and new
policies in the cyber area security.

Finally, both parties agreed to continue and further deepen this cooperation of
mutual interest.

Furthermore, KISA is, inter alia, known for its activities such as: responding
to cyber incidents, protecting personal data, promoting the information
protection industry and the internet infrastructure.