A senior delegation of the Millennium Challenges Corporation visits Minister Lluka

Prishtina, 20.02.2019 – Where is Kosovo in the energy sector landscape and what are the further steps expected were the questions posed by the Millennium Challenges Corporation (MCC) delegation, headed by its Vice President Karen Sessions and Vice President of Compact Operations Department Jonathan Brooks.

MCC representatives were received by Minister Lluka, who thanked the delegation for the visit and informed them on the development of the energy sector, its current state and developments expected in the future.

“The energy sector will be subject to 3 billion euro investments in the near future, including energy efficient and renewable energy,” said Minister Lluka. Minister Lluka also informed them on the Kosova e Re power plant, and its pollution impact.

“As regards thermal power plant Kosova e Re, although it will operate based on coal, investments made in the best available technology which process and filter fuels and emissions, no significant pollutions are expected,” Lluka said.

Karen Sessions, Vice President of the Foreign Relations Department, said that the energy sector is one of the main programs that Kosovo will benefit from. “For years ow, MCC is rpesent in Kosovo and is implementing programs that place energy as one of the key points from which Kosovo will benefit”, said Sessions.

In terms of regional expansion in the energy sector, head of MED said that work is under way to ensure the establishment of a common market between Kosovo and Albania and execution of the memorandum with Macedonia on the establishment of the gas pipeline.

“We are working hard to establish a common energy market between Kosovo and Albania, but we are facing problems with Serbia. Also, recently we have signed an agreement with Macedonia to establish a pipeline that will pass through Kosovo,” Minister Lluka added.

Discussions also revolved around the air pollution in the country, whereby Lluka clarified that the main cause of air pollution, as presented in the World Bank report, is the use of coal for heating in Kosovo residential units. The solution for the problem, Valdrin Lluka said, should be sought in the expansion of district heating capacities to also include residents’ houses.

Minister Lluka said, with great optimism, that the target placed by the European Union to have 25% of the energy generated by renewable sources will be accomplished by the deadline set in 2023, although there are numerous challenges in this aspect as well.

Jonathan Brooks, Vice President of Compact Operations Department, thanked Minister Lluka for the information on the state of the energy sector in Kosovo and vowed to use information obtained in the programs that Millennium Challenges Corporation implements in Kosovo.