Law on Renewable Energy Sources out for public consultations
Prishtina, 08.12.2022 – The Law on Renewable Energy Sources (RES) was published for public consultations on 07.12.2022 on the platform for public consultations.
The Law on RES defines the promotion of the use of energy from renewable energy sources in the Republic of Kosovo, aiming to increase the use of renewable sources energy and cogeneration in the electricity, heating and cooling sector and the transport sector, with the aim to fulfill the energy needs, increase the security of energy supply, improve environmental protection, as well as provide social and health benefits and promote of equitable employment opportunities in the energy sector.
This law will enable development of RES capacities under a competitive, transparent and non-discriminatory procedure.
This Law partially transposes the Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, as adopted by the Decision (2021/14/MC-EnC) of the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community.
The Ministry of Economy highly values consultation with stakeholders. Therefore, your preliminary contribution in writing will be very meaningful and substantive. The Ministry of Economy remains committed to include in the Law your contribution through comments and suggestions.
Therefore, we welcome all your inputs to the link: