Kosovo will have the largest solar power plant in Europe

Prishtina, 24.03.2022 – In the meeting of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, the Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli and the Minister of Finance, Labour and Transfers, Hekuran Murati held with the Ambassador of Germany, Joern Rohde and the representatives of the German Development Bank (KFW), took place discussions on the development of energy capacities in Kosovo.

Among other things, in the meeting was brought to light that the energy project “Solar4Kosovo” will be one of the largest solar power plants in Europe.

The project will be a combination of two components: solar district heating (Termokos) and photovoltaic power (KEK), and with this project, around 70 MW will be added to the heating system of Prishtina, and it also includes the construction of solar collectors of approximately 69,000 m2.

The measures for expanding the network are aimed at the distribution of heat from the solar thermal system, to the central heating network to which up to 12,000 families or 60,000 inhabitants will be connected.

The project will reduce the demand for electricity for heating purposes and will increase the air quality by reducing carbon dioxide emissions for about 40,000 t per year.
The project will cost 64 million euros and will be funded by the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.