The Ministry of Economy presents the scenarios of the Energy Strategy 2022 – 2031 to donors

Prishtina, 18.03.2022 – The Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, together with representatives of her cabinet, Department of Energy headed by Sabit Gashi, and the working group drafting the Energy Strategy 2022 – 2031 headed by Dr. Laszlo Szabo today held a coordination meeting with local and international donors in order to present the progress of the Strategy, the study of the lowest cost, strategy scenarios and modeling.

In the meeting, Minister Rizvanolli stated that the Ministry of Economy and its collaborators are working intensively on long-term planning for the development of the Energy Sector and, at the same time, on immediate steps to address and cope with the situation caused by the global energy crisis.

Following the presentation of scenarios and modeling, as well as the study of the lowest cost, the participants provided their comments on the work so far in drafting the Strategy, which will be reflected in the first draft that will be published for public consultation.

All scenarios and modeling of the Energy Strategy 2022-2031 clearly demonstrate the commitment to rapid development of renewable energy capacities in Kosovo and increased energy efficiency.