Minister Rizvanolli and Minister Aliu meet with Viola von Cramon – Taubadel

Prishtina, 03.03.2022 – Minister of Economy (ME), Artane Rizvanolli and the Minister of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (MESPI), Liburn Aliu together with representatives of cabinets met with the rapporteur for Kosovo in the European Parliament, Viola von Cramon – Taubadel, accompanied by collaborators.

During the meeting, Ministers Rizvanolli and Aliu presented to MEP Cramon the work and plans of the respective ministries for the development of sectors in compliance with the objectives and directives of the European Union, in particular, regarding environmental protection and de-carbonization of the energy sector.

Further, concrete projects were discussed in which MESPI and ME can cooperate with the European Union to further improve the economic and social welfare of the citizens of Kosovo.

Von Cramon expressed gratitude for the commitment and involvement of ministers to develop the respective sectors.