Minister Rizvanolli receives in a meeting the EU Ambassador to Kosovo, Tomáš Szunyog

Prishtina, February 8, 2022 – – The Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, together with representatives of the Cabinet, received in a meeting the Ambassador of the European Union to Kosovo, Tomáš Szunyog as well as the Administrator Head of Cooperation EU Office Kosovo in Kosovo, Luigi Brusa.

European Union Office in Kosovo continues to be one of the closest partners in terms of the development of the energy sector in the country.

The Minister and the Ambassador, during today’s meeting, have discussed the latest developments in this sector, with a special focus on the drafting of the Energy Strategy 2022 – 2031, objectives which are in line with those of the European Union towards decarbonization.

Ambassador Szunyog expressed the readiness of the European Union to support Kosovo in the implementation of the strategy