Minister Rizvanolli together with Prime Minister Kurti, Minister Murati and Deputy Minister Arifaj visited Telecom of Kosovo


Prishtina, 10.01.2022 – The Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli together with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, the Minister of Finance, Labour and Transfers, Hekuran Murati, and the Deputy Minister of Economy, Mentor Arifaj, visited Telecom of Kosovo, where they were received by the Chief Executive, Burbuqe Hana, members of the Board of Telecom of Kosovo, as well as directors of departments of the public enterprise.


During the meeting with the Chief Executive Official and board members, Prime Minister Kurti and Ministers Rizvanolli and Murati discussed Telecom restructuring issues, investments in Telecom, the work of the management and the board so far, and increase of the performance of the enterprise.


During the meeting, Minister Rizvanolli stressed that one of the main goals of the Ministry of Economy is to improve corporate governance and performance of public enterprises, where this will be related to the performance of the enterprise so that all taxpayers’ money which goes to public enterprises, translate into competitiveness and performance results.


Further, the Government’s commitment to support public enterprises, and in particular Telecom of Kosovo, was reiterated, with high expectations from the new boards and new management structures, in particular for enforcing the rule of law and preventing abuses, which have characterized enterprises in the past, increasing performance and competitiveness, as well as reducing operating costs.