The Ministry of Economy signs an agreement for financial support to Trepça and Telecom with 14.8 million, and issues a decision on Emergency Measures


Prishtina, 31 December 2021 – The Ministry of Economy, respectively the Monitoring Unit of Public Enterprises has signed three agreements with the Public Enterprise “Trepça” JSC.


The Government of the Republic of Kosovo has allocated over 4.8 million euros as financial support for “Trepça” to ease its financial obligations under the Economic Recovery Package for measure 4.6 – Support to Publicly Owned Enterprises.


As part of the same measure of the Economic Recovery Package, the Monitoring Unit of Public Enterprises within the Ministry of Economy has signed an agreement with the Public Enterprise of Telecom of Kosovo, where Telecom receives financial support of 10 million euros to ensure continuous operation of critical national infrastructure.


Based on the recommendations of the Technical Committee for Emergency Measures in Energy Supply, the Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli has decided on emergency measures to cope with the energy crisis.


These measures include the prohibition of the cryptocurrency mining throughout the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, where all relevant institutions are obliged to identify the locations of cryptocurrency mining and prohibit the activity in question.