Minister Rizvanolli participates in the joint meeting of the Governments

Elbasan, November 26, 2021- The Minister of Economy of the Republic of Kosovo, Artane Rizvanolli, participated in the joint meeting of the Government of Kosovo and Albania, held today in Elbasan.

During the visit, Minister Rizvanolli and her Albanian counterpart, Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Belinda Balluku, agreed on a visit next month to discuss in more detail the cooperation of Kosovo and Albania in the field of energy sector, especially the balancing of the electricity system as well as the security of electricity supply, two key points for the economic development of both countries.

Cooperation between the two countries is also an important point of the Kosovo Energy Strategy 2022 – 2031, where, among other things, integration in the regional market is foreseen, especially with that of Albania. A common market between the two countries would facilitate the acquisition of energy balancing capacities, which would make it easier for both countries to maintain the necessary balance between supply and demand.