Deputy Minister Arifaj met with the German delegation

Prishtina, 08.11.2021 – The Deputy Minister of Economy, Mentor Arifaj and the Chief of Cabinet of the Minister, Agim Mazreku, met with the German delegation, Volker J. Oel and Michaela Brinkhaus from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, as well as Vera Baumann from the German Embassy in Kosovo.

During the meeting it was discussed about the development of two important sectors, that of energy and Information Technology (ICT).

The German delegation was informed that Kosovo is working on the National Climate and Energy Plan in parallel. It was also stated that energy security is a priority, given the current state of energy prices in European markets, while it was concluded that energy prices in Kosovo are stable, as Kosovo does not rely much on energy imports.

Deputy Minister Arifi said that they are working on the filters of the Power Plant “Kosova B”, but that they also have an ambitious plan for renewable energy and this will be reflected in the National Energy Strategy.

The German delegation was also informed about the institutional reforms for the implementation of energy efficiency programs.

Regarding the field of ICT, it was said that in terms of international cooperation, Kosovo is in great need of support to the private sector, to increase the export of services wherever possible and it was found that events such as B2B and Workshops with foreign companies, are welcome for the ICT sector.

Arifi said that supporting the private sector for the digital transformation of doing business is another area where Kosovo needs expertise from other countries.