Minister Rizvanolli reported to the Parliamentary Commission


Prishtina, 13.07.2021 – The Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli reported to the Parliamentary Commission regarding the presentation of the Work Plan of the Ministry of Economy for 2021, as well as regarding the presentation for adoption of two draft laws, “Draft Law on Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Transactions” and “Draft Law on Measures to Reduce the Cost of Deploying High Speed Electronic Communications Networks”.


On this occasion, Minister Rizvanolli informed the members of the commission about the work of the Ministry of Economy thus far, starting with the internal analysis of all sectors of the Ministry include that of Energy, ICT, Mining and Public Enterprises, to achieve a clear vision of what the ministry should achieve by the end of this year and to set concrete next steps.


The Minister elaborated on the close cooperation with the departments of the Ministry, in order not to interrupt the good processes that have already started and to give other processes the right direction in accordance with the objectives of the strategic and operational plan as well as with the government plan.


With regard to the Energy sector, the Minister elaborated on the work towards informing on the strategy of fair energy transition in Kosovo through a two-day workshop, with the involvement of all key actors in the sector, with professional discussions and at expert level on key topics for decision-making.


Furthermore, in the Commission, the Minister presented a series of administrative instructions foreseen for this year, which will serve the energy sector, respectively the strengthening of the private sector and the households.


Regarding the ICT sector, the Minister pointed to the focus on capacity development through training for young people and connecting them to online job opportunities, and the construction of the National Network for Research and Education that will serve all levels of education in Kosovo.


The Mining Sector was also presented to the Commission with the work carried out towards advancing the legal and policy-making framework as well as promoting and identifying the potential of the resources we possess.


The Minister stated that the ME has started scanning the current situation of Publicly Owned Enterprises, including the financial situation, planned investments, urgent needs and general situation.