The “Draft Law on Measures to Reduce the Cost of Deploying High-Speed Electronic Communications Networks” is adopted

22.06.2021 – 
At the proposal of the Ministry of Economy in the 16th meeting of the
Government of Kosovo, the “Draft Law on Measures to Reduce the Cost of
Deploying High-Speed Electronic Communications Networks” has been adopted


This Draft Law has a high importance and impact on reducing costs,
facilitating and promoting the construction of high-speed electronic
communications networks.


The concerned Draft Law, in addition to reducing costs, will also reduce
the negative impact on the environment caused by the deploying high-speed
electronic communications networks and is in full compliance with the relevant EU


This Draft Law shall apply to all natural and legal persons, including
public entities and owners/holders of public electronic communications
infrastructure, as well as to network operators that provide physical
infrastructure, capacities in their communication networks.