“Trepça” J.S.C. will repay the debt to KEDS and KESCO in accordance with its budget capabilities


Prishtina, 15.01.2021- The acting Minister of Economy and Environment, Muharrem Nitaj, together with the Deputy Ministers of MEE, Rexhep Kadriu and Ergin Bunjaku, received in a meeting the representatives of KEDS and KESCO, where the topic of discussion was the debt of “Trepça” J.S.C. to these companies.


Minister Nitaj thanked the representatives of KEDS and KESCO for the work they are doing in this time of pandemic and in the winter period, while he was also closely informed about the debt of “Trepça” J.S.C. to these companies and reviewed the budget capabilities for overcoming the situation created.


“The support to ‘Trepça’ J.S.C. will continue in the future, and this is best shown by this meeting, so I ask you to find a solution as soon as possible so that the unpaid electricity debt that this company owes you be repaid in accordance with the budget capabilities of ‘Trepça'”, acting minister Muharrem Nitaj said on this occasion.


Minister Nitaj also said that he will raise this issue in the Government as soon as possible in order not to have this company disconnected from the electricity grid.


On the other hand, the representatives of KEDS and KESCO expressed their readiness to give their contribution to the improvement of the situation created, as they requested the support of MEE in resolving the issue of electricity debt not being paid by the facilities of “Trepça”.