Diversification of energy resources and feasibility for Ujman, a topic of discussion between Minister Kuçi and the American delegation


Prishtina, 19.10.2020 – The Minister of Economy and Environment, Blerim Kuçi, participated in a meeting held with the US Government delegation, led by the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of International Affairs at the Energy Department, Matthew Zais, other representatives from the Energy Department, the White House and other agencies of the United States Administration.


The purpose of this meeting was implementation of the points of the 4 September Agreement, which are related to the diversification of energy sector resources, as well as the Feasibility Study for Lake Ujman.


Minister Kuçi in his presentation on the future strategy of energy and diversification of resources, stated that this strategy will be based on five pillars: 1) Renewable Energy Sources; 2) Lignite Sources; 3) Gas Sources; 4) Application of Energy Efficient measures and 5) Integration in the Regional Market.


On this basis, Minister Kuçi committed to concrete projects that will pave the way for the implementation of the said objectives.


In terms of the Feasibility Study for Lake Ujman, as one of the special points in the 4 September Agreement, Minister Blerim Kuçi presented a brief history of the Public Enterprise “Iber-Lepenci”, which since 1967 operates and manages existing assets, including Lake Ujman.


Minister Kuçi welcomes the commitment of the US Energy Department, for a serious feasibility study, which would result in much needed investments for this strategic resource of Kosovo. In order to successfully implement, the Government of Kosovo will proceed with the action plan that will coordinate the work with local technical groups for the 4 September Agreements.


Matthew Zais reiterated the US commitment to support Kosovo, in order to diversify energy sources, increase security of supply and gradual transition to sustainable energy sources.