The MEE has allocated funds to 12 municipalities of Kosovo for the provision of IT equipment for high schools


Prishtina, 15.10.2020 – Today at the Ministry of Economy and Environment have been signed 12 Memorandums of Cooperation with 12 municipalities of Kosovo, providing each of them with IT equipment for high schools.


The municipalities selected by the MEE to be supported from the fund of the Innovation Department are: Prizren, Lipjan, Junik, Drenas, Klina, Rahovec, Suhareka, Gjakova, Obiliq, Shtime, Vushtrri and Deçan.


The Minister of the MEE, Blerim Kuçi explained that this assistance is very practical and municipalities are free-handed to select the schools and the type of equipment they need, meanwhile announcing that other municipalities will be supported too.


“Considering that each municipality has its own specifics, and in this sense, we have transferred the options to the Mayors so that they can select high schools in their municipalities, and choose the equipment that is most needed. Therefore, the MEE has signed this agreement with 12 municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo. I want to also notify the Mayors of other municipalities that in a very near future, depending on some budgetary circumstances, we will continue with this funding”, said Minister Kuçi.


The Mayor of Lipjan, and at the same time Chairman of the Board of the Association of Municipalities of Kosovo, Imri Ahmeti, highly appreciated this project and said that this assistance is being provided at right moment.