Minister Kuçi and the Swiss Ambassador Thomas Kolly, in a common language for cooperation


Prishtina, 06.10.2020 – The Minister of Economy and Environment, Blerim Kuçi, received today a delegation of the Embassy of Switzerland in Kosovo, consisting of Ambassador Thomas Kolly, Deputy Ambassador Pauline Menthonnex Gacaferri, Attaché Seraina Furer and Senior Programme Officer Ardiana Efendija Zhuri.


Switzerland, as a country that has greatly helped our country, received the most sincere gratitude from Minister Kuçi for all the contribution provided to Kosovo in reconstruction and development, especially in the water sector.


Minister Kuçi informed the Ambassador about the developments at the Ministry of Economy and Environment, informing him about the ongoing project developments.


The Swiss Ambassador, Thomas Kolly, expressed pleased with the engagement of Minister Kuçi and raised several points in the discussion, where the lead point was the transformation of the Regional River Basin Authority into an agency. The Minister accepted this suggestion, indicating that work is already being done in this regard as the Law on Waters has described this authority as an agency.


In this meeting was highly praised the commitment of SwissGrid, in their assistance provided to KOSTT, for the independence of energy transmission and the establishment of energy borders of the state of Kosovo.


Minister Blerim Kuçi, inter alia, said that he is aware of the Swiss priorities and is satisfied with their support.


Several topics were discussed between the two delegations, and the conclusion pertained the idea of holding other meetings in order to discuss future projects at a practical and concrete.