Deputy Minister Deva-Bakija visited the Municipality of Mitrovica and Zubin Potok


Prishtina, 02.10.2020 – The Deputy Minister of Economy and Environment, Burbuqe Deva-Bakija, together with the First Secretary of the Swedish Embassy in Kosovo, Jeanette Klangefeldt, the Program Manager, Erik Pettersson, and representatives of UN-HABITAT, visited today the Municipality of Mitrovica and the Municipality of Zubin Potok, to take a closer look at project development.


The projects that are being implemented are the filling of public spaces along the Iber river and the project for the construction of accessible infrastructure with the aim of economic growth and strengthening market capacities between the municipalities of Zubin Potok – Istog – Skenderaj, and Peja.


These projects have been developed by municipal teams, through a comprehensive process, as part of the capital investment instrument of the Inclusive Development Programme, which is implemented by UN-HABITAT and funded by the Government of Sweden and the Government of the Republic of Kosovo.