The Financial Times promotes the Western Balkans

Prishtina, 18.06.2019 – With the joint initiative of the Chamber of Commerce of the Western Balkans and the Financial Times, the Western Balkans forum was organized and held, where Minister of Economic Development of Kosovo, Valdrin Lluka, was invited to participate as a speaker, with the purpose of promoting potentials of Kosovo.

During his speech, Minister Lluka stated that Kosovo has good conditions for attracting foreign investors, ranging from macro-financial stability to cheap labour force.

“Foreign investors need macro-financial stability, low operating costs, free market, adequate legislation, security and good infrastructure, and all these aforementioned can be found in Kosovo, adding to this also the free land provided by business parks. Also, Kosovo has the lowest operating cost in the region, with particular focus on the labour force, taxes and electricity price”, stated Minister Lluka.

He also spoke about the interconnectivity agenda, mentioning that “Arbën Xhaferi” motorway has been recently inaugurated, which makes travelling from Kosovo to Macedonia easier.

“Our country is also the leader in the interconnectivity agenda, where we recently inaugurated the modern motorway to Skopje. Minister Lluka also promoted the new railway connecting Kosovo to the pan-European network and announced plans for rail and gas connections with Albania”, added the Minister Lluka.

This event organized in London, the United Kingdom, was attended by Prime Ministers of the countries of the region such as Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, and Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, and various ambassadors and ministers of economy.

While, as far as businesses are concerned, there were 50 businesses from the European Union and 5 from each Western Balkan country, including Kosovo.